Staalmeester Microfelt Paint Roller Frames
Staalmeester Microfelt Paint Roller Frames
Short Mini Roller Frame
Home Smith
2599 Yonge Street
Toronto ON M4P 2J1
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We really feel the new Microfelt paint rollers are a game changer but you will need the right frame for the right roller.
Developed by iconic Dutch paint brush company Staalmeester in the Netherlands, we will not paint with anything else - truly. We've used these Staalmeester rollers and frames and we were amazed at the finish. Tired of roller marks? Then this is the roller for you. Even when we TRIED to create roller marks we could not.
Staalmeester® has been known for over 70 years for its craftsmanship and dedication to the painter's craft. Their handmade brushes are made with love and the best materials which is why their brushes find their way to serious painters all over the world.
These high quality universal roller frames has an ergonomic handle to provide comfort while painting. Short Frames are 30cm long and Long Frames are 40 cm long.
- Short Mini Roller Frame (for 10cm Mini Rollers)
- Long Mini Roller Frame (for 10cm Mini Rollers)
- Short Midi Roller Frame (for 12 cm Midi Rollers)
- Short Paint Roller Frame (for 18cm Paint Rollers)
Looking for the actual rollers? You can find those here.
The right tools really do make the job a whole lot easier and we love to help customers choose the right tool for their project. Please give us a call at the shop at 416.484.3702 for help with your selection or email us at hello@homesmithhouse.com.